("Blowin’ in the Wind" is a regular feature on my
blog consisting of an assortment of nature writings – hymns, songs, excerpts,
prayers, Bible readings, poems or other things – pieces I may not have written
but that inspire me or have given me joy. I trust they will do the same for
Many of us are weather watchers, though I confess mild
puzzlement with those who can watch Weather Channel all day long. When Gail and
I are in the Northwoods with very little radio reception, no internet access or
television signal, and even limited cellphone coverage, we are glad for
faithful access to a trusty little weather radio my sister gave us that tunes in
without fail to NOAA whenever we want it. And though we joke about the three
computerized voices on the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s
station, whom we lovingly call Oley, Lena and George (one male and one female
voice sound amazingly Scandinavian), we’re always grateful we can know routine
weather for our possible outdoor activities, let alone be apprised of stormy or
dangerous weather conditions headed our way.
But in addition to that, we also pay fairly close attention to
the weather in about ten places around the country where family and other loved
ones live, one of which is Seattle. We often heard this summer from our kids
and other friends who live there, or nearby, that it was hot and dry yet again,
with the Washington state motto “The Evergreen State” feeling more and more a
misnomer. Even without the personal connections, though, no one who keeps track
of the news could have missed knowing of the incredible dry spell experienced in
the Pacific Northwest this past season, or of the dozens of fires that were
spawned among those lovely western trees blistering in tinder dry conditions.
Midwest sunsets, heavy with dispersed smoke and deeply red, constantly told
their version of the story as well.
In the midst of it, I received a brief, group email greeting
from a friend, John Kiemele, who directs a ministry called Selah Center in the greater Puget Sound area. Selah Center is an
intentional community of diverse, contemplative Christians, dedicated to the
development of Christlikeness through such things as events, retreats,
spiritual direction, courses and prayer experiences. John wrote of the
scorching, choking heat as compared to the extravagant, refreshing love of our
good God. I desired immediately to share it with you as a part of my “Blowin’
in the Wind” feature. And so, with this post, I’d like to begin to feature from
time to time guest columnists who have allowed me to share their writing in
this way. John Kiemele, Selah Center, writing to his network:
Companions and Friends,
dry. Brittle, crunching, flammable dry.
serious dry. It’s dangerous dry.
A few
months ago we scratched our heads as those desperate for rainfall watched
neighboring states try to navigate and survive torrential flooding. Dark,
promising clouds gather and yet drift on their drop-less way at the sun’s
persistence. From sea level to mountain top, from coast to coast, it’s
then there is God’s love. No matter the season, God’s love is.
Ever-present. Constant. Thorough. Incarnational. Torrential. And truth be
told… Dangerous. It’s God’s love.

recognize that God does not and cannot turn off or cease loving. Each
breath comes from Love and bursts with Love. All that is is because of
God’s Love. The beloved apostle writes that without Love nothing was made
that has been made.
Love…always initiating, always flowing, always drenching my life with
expression and invitation.
an image from a poem I heard long ago, my prayer today is that I come into this
day, stepping into the constant flow of God’s Love, carrying not a thimble but
So be
and love to you in this good day.
Thank you, John!
(John writes regularly and inspirationally in a group email he
calls Selah Reflections. Contact the
website via the bolded link above for further information about this ministry.)
~~ RGM, October 8 2015
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