(*Quote of the Month)
OK, I’ve got a pretty penetrating
excerpt this week for my Quote of the Month. It’s from Austrian psychologist
Viktor Frankl’s, Man’s Search for Meaning.
I’ll admit it is also more of a passage than a quote, but I wanted to share it
in its entirety, as it is pretty incredible, particularly within its circumstance.

One of his recollections
referred to the healing effect of natural beauty within the context of their
misery. Here we go:
As the inner life of the prisoner tended to
become more intense, he also experienced the beauty of art and nature as never
before. Under their influence he sometimes even forgot his own frightful
circumstances. If someone had seen our faces on the journey from Auschwitz to a
Bavarian camp, as we beheld through the little barred windows of the prison
carriage the mountains of Salzburg with their summits glowing in the sunset, he
would never have believed that those were the faces of men who had given up all
hope of life and liberty. Despite that factor -- or maybe because of it -- we
were carried away by nature’s beauty, which we had missed for so long.
healing effect of natural beauty
the context of… misery…
In camp, too, a man might draw the attention of a
comrade working next to him to a nice view of the setting sun shining through
the tall trees of the Bavarian woods, the same woods in which we had built a
hidden munitions plant. One evening, when we were already resting on the floor
of our hut, dead tired, soup bowls in hand, a fellow prisoner rushed in and
asked us to run out to the assembly grounds and see the wonderful sunset.
Standing outside we saw clouds glowing in the west and the whole sky alive with
clouds of ever-changing shapes and colors, from steel blue to blood red. The
desolate grey mud huts provided a sharp contrast, while the puddles on the
muddy ground reflected the glowing sky. Then, after minutes of moving silence,
one prisoner said to another, “How beautiful the world could be!”
It gave me joy to read
this, imagining these tormented men in this situation. God’s creation truly
does possess a remarkable ability to lift us, to draw our spirit to a higher
plane of mindfulness, contemplation and delight, regardless of our
~~ RGM, January 23, 2014
P.S. A key to Frankl’s
psychological philosophy is that, no
matter our circumstances, good or appalling, the opportunity is still ours to
choose our response to it. No wonder he and others could find a modicum of pleasure even in the prison camp context. That’s something for us all to
muse upon a bit this week.