(*Quote of the
It’s time again
for something from John Muir. Muir, as many of you know, was a naturalist and
author of the late 1800’s and early 1900’s, a man of Christian faith, and an
enthusiastic and effusive observer of the natural world. For me, he embodies
some of the best of the etymology of the word ‘enthusiasm’: break the word down
and it comes from two Greek words – en,
which as you can imagine means ‘in,’ and often finds itself a prefix to a
larger word, and theos, the Greek for
‘god.’ To be enthusiastic, therefore, is to be ‘in god,’ or put another way,
‘to be possessed of God.’ I like that, more fun with words! The man Muir was
indeed wholeheartedly possessed, so much so that some considered him a kook. But
at times I know that feeling…
I wrote on him in
one of my very first blogs nearly three years ago and you can learn more about him here, including the fearsome experience that launched his zealous attention
upon God’s creation.
Here are the
quotes. They have little to do with each other and their sources escape me, yet
I include them together here only because they both are found on the
interpretive signs (the photos) surrounding the visitor center at White Sands National
Monument in southern New Mexico, which we called upon several times during our
ministry nearby this past year.

This sounds a
little C.S. Lewis-y to me. What do you think? Perhaps it is just reminding me
of a Lewis quote. But the propensity for the natural world to mingle our
out-goings and our in-goings… it’s a lovely thought. God’s presence is like
that as well. Even the Psalmist said, The
Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time forth and
forevermore (121:8).
The second quote:

I imagine this
kind of quote was part of his rhetoric as he stumped for the establishment and
extension of the National Park system. Yet it’s true, beauty and bread. It’s
what keeps me ‘going out.’ I trust you will be fully blessed by both at some
point in the days immediately ahead.
~~ RGM, September 26 2015
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